Events 2017-2018

Orientation programme and a recruitment drive- 07.12.2017

Placement cell of our College organized an Orientation programme and a recruitment drive in our Campus on 07.12.2017 at10.30 a.m by M/s OMEGA HEALTH CARE,Tiruchirappalli. 105 students from both UG and PG final year of Zoology, Chemistry and Botany were participated.

Mr.Jayaraman the placement officer gave the welcome address, our Principal Dr.A.R.Ponperiyasamy gave the Presidential address, and Mr. Gopal Prakash, the Manager of M/sOmega health care, gave a brief introduction about the Institution and in the afternoon the recruitment drive started with a written exam and interactions. Mr.Thomas and Mr.Nagarajan too accompanied the company, and conducted the event. Finally, Dr.R.Manimekalai Placement co-ordinater proposed the Vote of thanks.

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