Major Research Projects (2016 - 2017)
Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted
Number 1 2 --- 2
Outlay in Rs. (Lakhs) 11,85,000 47,95,000 --- 45,00,000
Details regarding Major projects
S.No Name of the Staff Amount(Rs) Title of the Projects Duration of the Project Funding Agency Status of Project Ongoing/Completed Department
1 Dr.S.Kumararaman 11.85 Lakhs Kinetics Growth and Characterisation of Bimetallic Crystals 2013 - 2016 UGC Major research Project Completed Physics
2 Dr.K.Srinivasan 24.65 Lakhs Design and study of regular and delayed chaotic circuits for emergent nonlinear phenomena 2015 - 2018 DST-SERB FAST TRACK – YOUNG SCIENTISTS . Ongoing Physics
3 P. Neelanarayanan 23.3 lakhs Birds of agricultural importance with special emphasis on owls, Central district of Tamil Nadu 2014 - 2017 Indian Council of Agricultural Research Ongoing Zoology
4 Dr. A. Venkatesan 25 lakhs Vibrational resonance in nonlinear dynamical systems and its applications 2017 DST-SERB Applied Physics
5 Dr. S. Balamurugan 20 lakhs Growth and characterization of NLO crystals 2017 DST- ECR AppliedPhysics
Major Research Projects (2015 - 2016)
Details regarding Major projects
Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted
Number 3 3 --- 4
Outlay in Rs. (Lakhs) 48,41,800 59,53,000 --- 62,61,000

S.NoName of the StaffAmount (Rs)Title of the ProjectDuration of the ProjectFunding AgencyStatus of Project Department
1 Dr. K. Saravanan 8.958 lakhs “Isolation, characterization evaluation of antidiabetic effect of traditionally used herbal plants on STZ induced diabetic rats”. 2012-2015 UGC Major Research Project Completed Zoology
2 Dr.A.Boopathiraja 21.46 lakhs “Evaluation of antidiabetic effect of Bougainvillea glabra flower extract and Mg doped ZnS nano particle in different cell lines”. 2012-2015 DST-Fast Track Young Scientist Award. Completed Zoology
3 Dr. C. Renuka 18 lakhs “Isolation, characterization and antidiabetic evaluation of flavonoid compound of Biophytum sensitivum in pancreatic cell line” 2013-2015 DST-Fast Track Young Scientist Award. Completed Zoology
4 Dr.S. Kumararaman 11.85 Lakhs Kinetics Growth and Characterisation of Bimetallic Crystals 2013-2016 UGC Major research Project Ongoing Physics
5 Dr.K.Srinivasan 24.65 Lakhs Design and study of regular and delayed chaotic circuits for emergent nonlinear phenomena 2015-2018 DST-SERB FAST TRACK - YOUNG SCIENTISTS. Ongoing Physics
6 P. Neelanarayanan 23.3 lakhs Birds of agricultural importance with special emphasis on owls, Central district of Tamil Nadu 2014-2017 Indian Council of Agricultural Research Ongoing Zoology
7 Dr. S.Kumararaman 20.65 lakhs Design and fabrication of Electro optic Modulator 2016 DST SERB Proposals Submitted Physics
8 Dr. V.Ramesh 36.96 lakhs Studies on Exploration of Insecticidal Properties of Datura stramonium (F.) under Organic farming 2016 Early Career Research Award, File No: ECR/2016/000791 Proposals Submitted Zoology
9 Dr. M. Ramesh 6.00 lakhs Exploration and studies on novel 8-Hydroxy quinolone Based drugs 2016 UGC Start up Grant, New Delhi, India Proposals Submitted Chemistry
10 Dr. M. Ramesh 5.00 lakhs Studies on Novel Metal Complexes of 8-Hydroxyquinoline Derivatives and Evolution of their Phaemacologocal activities. 2016 UGC Proposals Submitted Chemistry